On June 1st, I attended the National Day for Civic Hacking in Orlando. This was an event to have citizens try and generate ideas on how to improve the city. I introduced my idea, which was an energy monitor program in which users could monitor their energy usage when compared with others, and was selected to be one of the team leaders for brainstorming sessions.


Upon breaking up into various groups,  I first started out by examining user needs within the members of my group. When I talked further in depth with my team members, it turned out that one of the members of my group was the leader of a Meetup group called Agile Lean Coffee Orlando! He assisted me greatly by integrating aspects of the Agile process and pointed me towards his group, which I have been checking out ever since.

At the end of the brainstorming session, our group presented our findings. What we ended up doing was mainly task analysis, taking several ideas for the application and creating storyboards with them. We presented the possible scenarios to the forum and even created a very rough draft in Axure. I am currently working to see if I can further advance this draft towards possible use as a mobile application.

Renewable Orlando

Our storyboards, laid out as post-it notes.
Our storyboards, laid out as post-it notes.